Broadcast Rating & AD Rating
Broadcast & AD Rating
TV Broadcasting Rating & AD Rating

We have obtained domestic broadcasting/advertising materials (media database) which is being updated on a daily basis.

Rating analysis system (updated in seconds)
Monitoring system that analyzes real-time broadcasting programs and Advertising materials in seconds for 24 hours
Broadcasting programs and advertising materials in 25 TV channels are being monitored in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province.
Global Broadcasting Rating Analysis
Global Broadcasting Rating Analysis

Based on a recognition engine developed by iPlateia, broadcast contents rating data is generated on a real-time basis.
The real-time broadcast rating service can be applied to any region of the world regardless of language or region.

Media AD Monitoring Service
Media AD Monitoring Service

We have obtained domestic broadcasting/advertising materials (media database) which is being updated on a daily basis. In addition to media data being automatically updated, AD upload system classified by each advertiser enables to provide the rating for specific AD materials according to customer requirement.

Our own independent SW / HW Technology
Our own independent SW / HW Technology

Self-developed and constructed software (SW) and hardware (HW) can be utilized in a variety of areas;

  • Management of contents and channel for recognition
  • Analysis in broadcast screen and audio separately